Kamaka Air has provided discounted & free cargo flights helping neighboring islands to get donated meals and supplies.
HELPING OUR COMMUNITY: In times like these, it is especially important to remember that every little bit counts. That is why, here at Kamaka Air we have been providing free flights to neighboring islands to help get supplies, foods, and PPE to those who need them.
Kamaka Air is providing free cargo flights 7 days a week to help neighboring islands to get donated meals and supplies.
HELPING OUR COMMUNITY: In times like these, it is especially important to remember that every little bit counts. That is why, here at Kamaka Air we have been providing free flights to neighboring islands to help get supplies, foods, and PPE to those who need them.
We’ve transported for free…
Maui Relief Donated Flights
Kamaka Air Cargo has donated free flights and shipped over 65,000 Pounds of donated items from 29 different individuals, including Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association, Hawaiian Humane Society, Na Kama [...]
Kids Bikes to Lanai for Christmas
Kamaka Air assisted with the delivery of donated bikes to children on Lanai for Christmas. The bikes were donated by a private donor through Pastor Saul Kahikolo and with [...]
Poi Dogs & Popoki Fundraiser
Kamaka Air Cargo participated in the Poi Dogs & Popoki 19th Puka Golf Tournament on November 5, 2021. We had two teams of two Kamaka employees that spent the [...]
Donated Flight: Goods to Molokai for INPEACE
Kamaka Air Cargo donated a free flight to Molokai on behalf of INPEACE, Institute for Native Pacific Education & Culture for their Ohana Appreciation Event, delivering 752 pounds of goods [...]
Make A Wish Partnership & $1000 Donated
Kamaka Air Cargo has donated $1,000 to the Hawaii Make A Wish Foundation's 10th annual gala, Celebration of Hope (virtual). A VIRTUAL NIGHT IN OLD HAVANA will be aired [...]
$1000 Donated to Lanai & Hilo Keiki
Kamaka Air Cargo has donated $1,000 to the Aloha 99's to support 200 Keiki in need on Lanai and in Hilo this Christmas. [...]
Donated Flight: Games for Quarantined Keiki
Kamaka transported for free these donated boxes of games for the Lanai Keiki who are quarantined from the recent outbreak of COVID-19 on the Island. [...]
Donated Flight: Hand Sanitizer & Water Filters to Lanai
Kamaka donated 2 flights today to ship 40 water filters, 336 bottles of hand sanitizer, candy for kids, and other PPE received from the Lānaʻi Academy of Performing Arts [...]
Donated Flight: 3 Rescue Dogs from Molokai
Kamaka donated the shipment of 3 rescue dogs from Molokai to Oahu for with Paws of Hawaii.
Donated Flight: Largest Pet Rescue
Kamaka Air Cargo donates the cost of shipping 57 cats from Lanai Cat Sanctuary to Maui. Workers transport the cats from Lanai Cat Sanctuary to Kamaka Air. Upon arrival [...]
Donated Flight: Over 600# of PPE for Lanai
Kamaka donated 2 flights of over 600 pounds of PPE given to the Lanai High school & Elementary for COVID-19 relief. Items were collected through the Facebook Group, Whatchu [...]
Donated Flight: 800 COVID-19 Tests
Kamaka transported 800 COVID-19 tests for free from Lanai to Honolulu for Surge Testing by the Straub Family Health Center due to the COVID-19 outbreak in the Lanai Community. [...]
Donated Flight: 732 MREs to Lanai’s Unemployed
Kamaka donated a flight of 732 MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) & other necessities provided by the Maui Office of Aging to unemployed residents within the Lanai Community who [...]
Donated Flight: 400# of Hamburger for the Unemployed
Kamaka transported 400 pounds of hamburger for free provided by the Maui County, Food Distribution to unemployed residents in Lanai affected by COVID-19. [...]
Donated Flight: 1,284# of School Supplies to Keiki
Kamak Air shipped for free 734 pounds of School Supplies to Hawaii Youth Kipuka, donated by Harvest Family Life Ministries in conjunction with the Lili’uokalani Trust. Kamaka Air also shipped 550 pounds [...]
Donated Flight: 3,600# Pineapples & Bananas
Kamaka Air shipped for free 2,700 pounds of pineapples and 900 pounds of bananas to Molokai to help those in need during the COVID crisis.
$5K Donated: Food to 700 Hotel Worker Families
Accounting Management organized a Food Drive for the Hotel Union Workers in Hawaii on 6/13/20. Over 700 families were provided with bags of rice, fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, and packaged foods. Cars [...]
Donated Flight: Thank You from Molokai General Hospital
"Mahalo Nui Loa for your generous donation to send fright to Molokai on behalf of PCF. We are so grateful!" ~Molokai General Hospital
Donated Flights: 20K Pounds of Food & MRE’s
Kamaka Air shipped 10,000 pounds of produce, milk, eggs, ect provided by Oahu farmers to Molokai for distribution through L&R Farms for elderly and displaced workers and another 10,000 pounds of [...]
Donated Flights: Delivering Free Meals Daily
In response to COVID-19, Kamaka Air in conjunction with Malama Meals and the Hawaiʻi Public Health Institute, has delivered free meals beginning April 18th to Lihue. The need in Kauai is serious, [...]
Donated Flights: 108 Gallons of Hand Sanitizer to Molokai
Kamaka Air provided free shipping of 108 Gallons of hand sanitizer to Molokai on Thursday, April 16th. Maui Brewing Company provided the hand sanitizer and all of the merchants on Molokai, led [...]
We’ve transported for free…
“Mahalo Nui Loa for all the help you guys gave put drive this past month! Everything could not have run as smooth without your help! From me and all our residents here mahalo again for your assistance!!”
“Mahalo Nui Loa for your generous donation to send fright to Molokai on behalf of PCF. We are so grateful!”